Our Committees
Each year, KCIC recognizes individuals and companies that have made outstanding contributions to the economic strength of Kansas City’s industrial areas through the Brick-by-Brick Awards. This committee gathers nominations, selects winners and plans the annual event.
Coby Crowl
ccrowl@mcclurevision.com -
The blight and security committee is tasked with working across all member districts to address issues such as illegal dumping and deterrence of crime. Working with the City, businesses and stakeholder organizations like MoDOT, the committee recommends strategies to the KCIC Board of Directors for implementation.
Scott Brown
dscttbrown@gmail.comDennis Melanson
Dennis.Melanson@heubelshaw.comBoyd Nolen
boydnolen@procircuitinc.comTo report any unmaintained properties or blight and security concerns, please contact 311 or report on the myKCMO app.
The economic development committee compiles updates on economic growth and trends in Kansas City and presents monthly at the KCIC board meetings.
Kyana Bowers
kbowers@edckc.com -
The infrastructure committee outlines and maintains infrastructure needs of the industrial districts through the “Green Sheet”, which is used to advocate to local, state, and federal authorities for funding and implementation.
Coby Crowl
ccrowl@mcclurevision.com -
The Sustainability Committee creates programs and opportunities for KCIC members to engage in learning about and incorporating sustainability best practices within their companies. Each fall, this committee hosts the KCIC Sustainability Awards Breakfast, which recognizes businesses that have made a significant investment in helping the environment.
Leslie Barland
leslie@bridgingthegap.orgCoby Crowl
ccrowl@mcclurevision.com -
The social committee plans events and opportunities for KCIC members to engage in social settings to network and experience different venues throughout our six industrial districts.
Paul Fogel
pf@karbank.comBoyd Nolen
boydnolen@procircuitinc.comKyana Bowers